Introduction and inspiration

This blog will act as a place for me to vent my tales of being a woman trying to exercise in a room full of men. And hopefully a place where other girls who were just like me can gain confidence and feel like they aren't alone when it comes to exercising. Because I have been there too, slapped in the face with a wall of testosterone as I walk into the gym so only going on the cross trainer because I didn't know what else to do with myself. It's terrifying.

With a lot of trial and error and looking like an idiot I feel like I am ready to share with the world what lead me to where I am today. I hope this blog series provides a good basis of knowledge from getting your butt to look like the peach emoji to avoiding awkward encounters. And making the weights area seem less of an alien place, because no girl walks into the gym first time and wants to bend themselves backwards in the name of fitness.

The inspiration for this blog comes from an overly friendly gym acquaintance and I can’t say the relationship is a two way street. Here I am minding my own business hoping he hasn't seen me, but then I see him walking towards me with his hands in the air shouting my name. We touch knuckles *cringe* he flexes his biceps *double cringe* and tells me how happy he is to see me *extra cringe*, so loud I know everyone else heard that. He leaves me to it finally, but doesn’t forget to wave across the room and say 'bye, see you next time!' before he left.

He is one of multiple strangers I have some how managed to cross paths with in my gym-going experiences, and who have been put straight in the group chat and now onto this blog.

Thanks for reading xxx


  1. Well done Beth!! It is intimidating but you are more than able to hold your own and one day you will out squat and out lift them all ;)

  2. I already want to read more!

  3. I was just pondering today campaigns such as 'This Girl Can' which, whilst well intentioned, fail to address the real reasons why women (not girls - we are grown women) are less likely to engage in sports/exercise. I look forward to hearing how you have overcome the testosterone-fest that is the gym.

  4. Well done lass. I find wearing earphones even if not playing anything helps to stop folk talking to you.


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